The view from Monte Fiegni over the Marche countryside, central Italy

The view from Monte Fiegni over the Marche countryside, central Italy

Self-catering holiday apartments near the Sibillini Mountains in Le Marche, Italy

You can travel to Le Marche by plane
The quickest way to get to Casa Carotondo from outside of Italy is to fly. The nearest airports to Casa Carotondo are Ancona, Perugia and Pescara. Flights to these airports from the UK would be from Stansted airport with Ryanair. The journey from Ancona airport to Casa Carotondo is about 1.5 hours from Perugia 2 hours and from Pescara 2.5 hours.
Some may wish to travel by motorbike
Between them these airports also handle flights from Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Scandinavia and several others! Further destinations and airlines are possible if you fly into Rome or Bologna airports. The car journey is then about 3 - 4 hours. Alternatively you can also take the train. From Rome you take the train to Foligno and from Bologna take the train to Civitanova Marche. In both towns car hire is available near the station to continue your journey to Casa Carotondo.
Travel by train to Le Marche is also a possibility
You can, of course, take the train most of the way to Casa Carotondo. For comprehensive information about how to get to this area by train from the UK take a look at the seat61 website. For detailed information about trains in Italy take a look at the Trenitalia website. You will need a hire car during your visit to Casa Carotondo to ensure you make full use of your time here. Public transport is very limited. The nearest train station is at Macerata. However if you are taking a train from mainland Europe with the intention of hiring a car once here, we recommend you finish the train journey at Civitanova Marche or Foligno. Car hire is available close to both stations, which are about one hour from Casa Carotondo by car.
Many people travel to Le Marche by car
Driving from London to the Marche takes about two days. The autostrade website provides uptodate information on Italian motorways. There are differences in the rules of the road between Italy and other European countries. It is worthwhile reading this driving in Italy web page even if you only intend to hire a car in the country.

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Casa Carotondo, 62026 San Ginesio (MC), Italy     Email: